Thursday, May 26, 2016

A lot has happened in the last 12 months

Too numerous to list the ups and lots of downs but I survived another year without my soul mate.

I have been trying to hone my new founded self taught skills the best I could but sometimes a helping hand can make such a difference. I took up wood turning.. volunteering at the Wondai Visitor Information Centre.. and have very much enjoyed it and the talented people I am learning from. These are some of my turning projects I have done.

I have also done a lot of property maintenance/improvements, although not real professional they are functional.... lots and lots and lots of mowing/slashing...

Hand/shovel dug a fire pit and improvised the seating..

... and it was appreciated...

...revamped guest quarters...
... built a wood working area..
.. built more wood storage for winter ...
.. a few renovations...
... car and tractor maintenance and lots lots more but not enough space to put everything...

thanks for reading and sharing my solo journey


  1. Hi there, just stumbled upon your blog. Sorry to hear your sad news and good luck with everything. You have a lovely property I enjoyed the photo's, very impressed with your hand made bowls. All the best xx

  2. you are so determined keep going


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